ALL, PLEASE CALL CONGRESSMAN BYRNE'S OFFICE AT 202-225-4931 AND POLITELY PRESS HIM TO DO WHAT I HAVE LISTED BELOW. THEN,CALL SENATOR SHELBY'S OFFICE AT 202-224-5744 AND ASK HIM TO WORK TO PASS CONGRESSMAN BYRNE'S "50 VOTES FOR THE WALL ACT" IF IT GETS TO THE SENATE (SEE BELOW UNDER SHELBY).HE NEEDS TO DO MORE AS NOTED BELOW--HE HAS TO GET OFF OF HIS DUFF AND PUSH LEADERSHIP! WE DO NOT HAVE A LOT OF TIME, SO ANY HOPE OF GETTING FUNDING FOR THE WALL HAS TO BE DONE WHILE THE GOP STILL IS IN CHARGE OF THE HOUSE! THANKS FOR YOUR HELP ON A CRITICAL ISSUE! DR. LOU PS: IF YOU WOULD RATHER EMAIL BOTH OF THEM,GOOGLE THESE EMAILS TO GET INTO THEIR SYSTEM TO USE THEIR EMAILS (I INTEND TO EMAIL BOTH AND HAVE ALREADY CALLED): ***SHELBY.SENATE.GOV (I CALLED SHELBY AND TRIED TO GET UP WITH A STAFF MEMBER--ONLY GOT "I'LL PASS IT ON"'--WHAT CRAP!) ***BYRNE.HOUSE.GOV (I SPOKE TO ONE OF BRADLEY'S STAFFERS IN DC FOR 15 MINUTES AND HE WAS VERY HELPFUL) Dear Senator Shelby and Congressman Byrne, It would seem that there should be a real sense of urgency for the House to pass certain pieces of legislation before the Democrats take charge of the House and continue their resistance, yet we are hard pressed to see anything approaching a real desire to send critical legislation to the Senate where, hopefully it might pass. With that in mind, we ask that you BOTH go to GENERAL QUARTERS and do something positive ON THE WALL while we still have the House and where "reconciliation" can be used in the Senate to pass funding for the Border Wall! Below, you will find what I have asked our members to do in terms of reaching out to both of you--we hope and pray both of you will act on the below requests while there is still time to get some critical things done. Thanks in advance, Dr. Lou Campomenosi, President,Common Sense Campaign Tea Party CALL CONGRESSMAN BYRNE (202-225-4931) AND ASK HIM TO DO THE FOLLOWING: >Get House leaders to make sure all GOP members are present until key pieces of legislation are passed--ABESNTEES MUST SHOW UP FOR WORK! >Get "Leadership" to bring your bill, "50 VOTES FOR THE WALL ACT" to a vote as soon as possible." >Work to produce a short bill that eliminates the Asylum provisions of the 1980s legislation carving out special Asylum treatment for Central American countries that is a critical incentive for people to come to the border to by-pass our immigration laws. The current problems with the "caravan" are in part due to the incentives built into our flawed system-- fix it now while you have the power to do it. The Dems want these illegals to continue for domestic political reasons--you have to rectify this NOW while you can! CALL SENATOR SHELBY (202-224-5744) AND ASK HIM TO DO THE FOLLOWING: >IMMEDIATELY MEET SENATE GOP LEADERS AND GET THEM ON BOARD WITH BRADLEY'S "50 VOTES FOR THE WALL ACT"; >PRESS GOP SENATE LEADERSHIP TO GET HOUSE GOP LEADERS ON BOARD AND HAVE THE "ACT" PASSED ASAP! >USE YOUR LEVERAGE AS APPROPRIATIONS CMTE CHAIR TO PLAY HARD BALL WITH GOP MEMBERS UNWILLING TO FUND THE WALL! >EVEN ThOUGH USING RECONCILIATION MEANS YOU DON'T NEED DEMOCRATS TO SUPPORT THE "ACT'S " PASSAGE, MEET WITH SCHUMER AND TELL HIM THAT IF THE DEMS DO NOT SUPPORT THE "ACT", THEN THERE WILL NOT BE ANY MONEY FOR THE REQUESTED NEW TUNNEL FOR NEW YORK CITY (AS WELL AS OTHER PET PROJECTS FOR ANY SENATOR [GOP INCLUDED] WHO DOES NOT SUPPORT THE WALL). >Same for ending special Asylum for Central Americans. Thanks for looking into these requests! Dr. Lou Campomenosi, President, Common Sense Campaign TEA Party, Spanish Ft, AL