Increasing Government Power Threatens Freedom | Print |

This is must read!  John Stossel precisely captures why BIG government is a mortal threat to American Freedom.  You will also be shocked how far our nation is down the road to serfdom.  We have let the self-serving politicians destroy our country.  We must throw them out and reassert self- government before life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness slip into the Marxist night.  Please join the fight today.

-Comments by Pete Riehm, Chairman of the Board of Common Sense Campaign


From Real Clear Politics:


"Increasing Government Power Threatens Freedom

Government is taking us a long way down the Road to Serfdom. That doesn't just mean that more of us must work for the government. It means that we are changing from independent, self-responsible people into a submissive flock. The welfare state kills the creative spirit.

F.A. Hayek, an Austrian economist living in Britain, wrote "The Road to Serfdom" in 1944 as a warning that central economic planning would extinguish freedom. The book was a hit. Reader's Digest produced a condensed version that sold 5 million copies.

Hayek meant that governments can't plan economies without planning people's lives. After all, an economy is just individuals engaging in exchanges. The scientific-sounding language of President Obama's economic planning hides the fact that people must shelve their own plans in favor of government's single plan.

At the beginning of "The Road to Serfdom," Hayek acknowledges that mere material wealth is not all that's at stake when the government controls our lives: "The most important change ... is a psychological change, an alteration in the character of the people."

This shouldn't be controversial.  If government relieves us of the responsibility of living by bailing us out, character will atrophy..."

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