WSJ Reviews The Tea Parties | Print |
Monday, 22 February 2010 16:52

Tea Parties get a positive review in the Wall Street Journal! The Alabama movement is mentioned for its support of Les Phillips in the Fifth Congressional District. Folks, we are gaining momentum and we are having a palpable affect. However, we must strategically analyze every congressional race and unify in a tactical campaign to win as many as possible. Washington will only change if at least 50% of the Congress is sent packing in November. We must be smart and make tough choices, but we can and we will win.

-Comments by Pete Riehm, Chairman of the Board of Common Sense Campaign



From The Wall Street Journal:


"There were promises of transparency and of a new kind of collaborative politics where establishment figures listened to ordinary Americans. We were going to see net spending cuts, tax cuts for nearly all Americans, an end to earmarks, legislation posted online for the public to review before it is signed into law, and a line-by-line review of the federal budget to remove wasteful programs.

These weren't the tea-party platforms I heard discussed in Nashville last weekend. They were the campaign promises of Barack Obama in 2008.

Mr. Obama made those promises because the ideas they represented were popular with average Americans. So popular, it turns out, that average Americans are organizing themselves in pursuit of the kind of good government Mr. Obama promised, but has not delivered. And that, in a nutshell, was the feel of the National Tea Party Convention. The political elites have failed, and citizens are stepping in to pick up the slack."

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