OUR REALITY SHOW-10-12-12 | Print |


By Joy Hansel

Mobile Al


We live with a reality show mentality.

The killing of our Ambassador and his 3 security men would be nothing but a “bump in the road” had we not forced our administration and I use the term “our” very loosely to face the reality of it!

This is Oct. 12 as I write this.  It will be interesting to know by publication if the man who made the film Innocence of Muslims has been released from jail.   Even though the story that the Secretary of State Hilary Clinton, the ambassador to the United Nations, Susan Rice and President Obama himself retold countless times has been debunked, this man remains in jail without bond.  And they have remained unaccountable.

This is reality to this man, but to us, is it just a clip in a show?  Can this possibly be real?

We know that a nation and a mother cries out for the truth of what happened, but we get platitudes and professional lying complete with a sad and angry face as if it is a commercial. “ There, there now, the bad man is in jail and we a have apologized for his grievances.” It is time to hit the campaign trail, talk show circuit or golf course.  We have an election coming up don’t you know.

But the reality is, this was a terrorist attack.  Everyone knows and is not afraid to call it that except the people in charge: this administration.  That is our sad reality unless we change it Nov. 6.

We can’t just go turn off the TV and catch the next episode at our convenience.

So let’s talk reality shall we?     The reality is we have a President that is not in OUR White House to serve our best interests.

He made it clear from before day one that he wanted to redistribute wealth.

He made it clear before day one that his energy policies would be one of his main agendas even if it meant that our “energy costs would necessarily sky rocket.”  And that it would make us dependent on foreign oil.

He made it clear from the outset that Health Care Reform was going to be a bull he was willing to tackle by the horns…even if it meant that transparency he promised would take place behind closed and locked doors.  He saw it evolving (a word that just shows how unenlightened the rest of us are) into a single payer system that he favored.

He has made it clear to all of us that Congress just “gets in the way” of his desires to transform America and that the Constitution is outdated.  Never mind that he took an oath to defend it and our nation.

His wife has made it clear that while she eats whatever she wants, we are too inept to feed our own children healthy food that doesn’t pass her council’s approval.  (Note to Michelle: stay out of our lunchrooms.  You are liable to get hit by a flying carrot.)

He has made it abundantly clear that unless you are of Muslim persuasion, you are likely to be a homegrown terrorist.  And if you are Christian, you are a double threat…even though he claims he is a Christian.

He makes it clear once again of his great and powerful evolution. That accepting same sex marriage and abortions at any stage should be deemed morally normal in todays world.

I could go on and on…but the reality is, there is limited space and the contributors in this wonderful paper have done an excellent job of connecting the dots for us over the past 4 years.

There is a point in all of these lamentations, however. This President and his actions and the consequences thereof, are our daily reality and we are sinking into an immoral abyss. Our liberties are turning to dust.

Those of us that claim we are Christians, must rise up, reach for our Bible which is OUR reality and live it.  We cannot accept any more immorality.  It is not relevant in todays’ world.  That is men like our President speaking and acting as if it is a great evolving moment in our history. It is not!  Our morality must be relevant to our Bible only.

Who, what, when and how are appropriate questions that we should ask when attempting to determine how we got to this reality, but the reality is we may be too late.

But then again I want no other reality than to pray and have faith that I will stand up for and with my Christ to the abomination that is happening in our country if it comes down to it.  And if Barrack Hussein Obama is not voted out November 6, it just may become my reality.

We can’t just change channels when it gets ugly.