America's Constitutionalist Revolt | Print |

Every American, particularly the Tea Partiers, MUST READ this excellent article and recommend it to all your friends! Larry Kudlow explains how the Tea Partiers are leading a much-needed Constitutional revolt. We are bringing about a rebirth of the Constitutional Republic our founders intended.  Be proud and make no apologies for standing up for your beliefs!

Kudlow details how the Tea Party-inspired "Contract From America" is a very sophisticated call to restore self-government by reinstituting the proper and very limited roles of government. It is clear the ruling political class disregards, if not disdains, the Constitution and is completely disconnected from "We The People".

These career politicians, ignoring the will of the people and the word of the Constitution, MUST be replaced!


America's Constitutionalist Revolt

By Larry Kudlow


"Harking back to the Founders' principles of constitutional limits to government is a very powerful message. It's a message of freedom, especially economic freedom. The tea partiers have delivered an extremely accurate diagnostic of what ails America right now: Government is growing too fast, too much, too expensively and in too many places -- and in the process it is crowding out our cherished economic freedom."  (Read The Article)