2023-Easter Message | Print |

Dear CSC Family,


I want to again thank Kay Day for all her hard work that made our Tax Day Rally such a success—she exemplifies the spirit of the Common Sense Campaign Family without which we would be lost!

Thanks for letting me spend a minute thanking Kay, but now I'd like to turn to examine why without Easter, all of us would be lost. The challenges we face today would be insurmountable without the hope that Easter provides. 

"Easter is the beginning of the greatest historical event that’s ever happened...!  (Thanks for quote and photo to Gary Reyes CSC member from Daphne). Easter Sunday is here and with it arrives its meaning of the possibility of eternal salvation. It also is a time for us to thank God for sacrificing his son for us. Yet, at the same time, we must also deal with the here and now and the growing anti-Christian threat coming from the Radical-Left.

So, how do we bridge the more pacifistic elements of Christian thought: "Turn the other cheek"? The Pope this morning spoke of seeking 'Peace and Fraternity' while we are faced with the cold, hard facts of the nature of those who seek to destroy this Constitutional Republic and impose a Marxist "Paradise" on us. Do China, Russia, Iran, and North Korea on the International front seem ready for peace and fraternity? Hardly!  Do BLM, Antifa, the Transgender crazies and the Great Reset radicals deserve some sort of kinder/gentler approach? Or do they deserve the wrath that Jesus inflicted on the money changers at the Temple? Shouldn't his example inspire all of us to come together in righteous anger at what the forces of evil have unleashed on America? Undoubtedly!

This means in my view, especially, that our federal officials, specifically Jerry Carl in Congressional District 1, must hear from us in the strongest possible terms that the danger is real and it's time for him (and others) to act accordingly. He needs to hear that message in person at one of our Planning Cmte meetings (I've been working with his scheduler, via social media and phone calls to all his offices, to have him come to one of our Planning Cmte meetings). I'll have an Action Alert out to that effect tomorrow.

  1. 1.I think that we have had to deal with difficult times over the years during Easter and we have always managed to muddle through—this Easter, as every Easter, offers hope of ultimate salvation due to God's love as manifested by Christ's dying for us, yet the temporal challenges we are facing cannot be placed into a "been there, seen that" attitude that suggests that the danger we face will be taken care of because it has always been so. The forces arrayed against us from the usual suspects I don't need to list, must be met with a fervor inspired by love of God and Country that will allow us to prevail in this ultimate struggle for the soul of America and, really, the World.
  2. 2.It is no exaggeration to say that the Forces of Darkness are on the March and the hour is late if they are to be stopped. While we must rely on leaders who like Churchill, Reagan, and Trump rose to the occasion, each of us must reach into our hearts and be prepared to do what we can to ensure that the America we love remains as Reagan said, " A Shining City on a Hill." "If Not Us, Who; If Not Now, When?"

Happy Easter, God bless you and your family, our state of Alabama and our Exceptional America! Lou


In thinking about what to say this year and looking at the many who "fail to grasp the divine love" that led to the sacrifice that Jesus made for us, I was struck by an interview I heard with David Limbaugh, Rush's brother, about his new book, The True Jesus. It seemed to me that here was something that could help us "grasp" a deeper understanding of who Jesus was and what he did for us.  I looked further into finding out about his book and found Limbaugh explaining why he wrote the book, saying that "The Gospel writers -- Matthew, Mark, Luke and John -- repeatedly report that the crowds were amazed at his teachings. The officers who returned on a failed assignment to arrest Jesus explained, 'No one ever spoke like this man."' 

Those comments suggested to me that while we know so much about Easter and other aspects of the life of Jesus, we can always learn more that will help us on our own paths to reach salvation. Along those lines, Limbaugh explained his hope "...that by reading this book, you will acquire or reacquire a passion for the Gospels and for Jesus Christ, learn more about him, and resolve to study the Gospels on your own." It seems to me that Limbaugh is correct on that because we can readily see how important the pursuit of knowledge is to our own intellectual growth whether in terms of learning about Jesus or any subject.

Limbaugh further says that "Jesus exuded deity and sinless perfection from every fiber of his being, but he was also fully human. Understanding both aspects of his nature is critical to understanding who he is and what he did for us." And here we find the meaning of Easter--God gave up his son for our sins so that we could be saved.  

What a story of love that is and it seems to me that Limbaugh's new book could help all of us discover more about that story and thus help all of us as we struggle to be worthy of salvation and the sight of a loving God. A thought on this Easter.

On behalf of CSC, I want to wish everyone a very Happy Easter! God bless you and your family, our great state of Alabama, and our Exceptional United States of America! Dr. Lou