Veteran's Day Message by Dr. Lou Campomenosi | Print |
Last Veterans Day I began by including the beginning of my USMC Birthday note to my Marine buddies—it was a somber interpretation of what the country was facing 10 months into Biden's term and 3 months after the debacle in Afghanistan—it basically had no "Happy Talk." 
So, on this Veterans Day, two days past what by most accounts was going to be a Red Wave to "kick the bums out" and save the country,  what's the message going to be? Obviously, we're not going to give up—we still have hope that the GOP (RINO or not) may end up controlling one or both Houses of Congress, which will help contain the Woke radicals. With that hope, there is no thought of throwing in the towel—that's not in our DNA, Veteran or not. But, even if that hopefully happens, we are left with plenty of challenges about what should/can we do to end the nightmare in DC, which if left unchecked will destroy the country our Veterans have fought for and died for. 
I think that we as Veterans  "should" do a lot—getting more engaged across the board to deal with local and state issues—we CAN do that—it costs little except time to find an issue that motivates you to  get involved with it—many of you are already doing that as we've seen this year during the election season, whether it was supporting candidates, poll working/watching/sign waving, and importantly, many have committed to time consuming challenges such as what our SB team has done taking on Studies Weekly in our schools. Issues abound when it comes to the schools or our County Commissions--Baldwin and Mobile Counties are fertile ground for us to find issues to work on, especially from the standpoint of Veterans getting involved in any number of local/state issues. 
However, the should/can question runs into a problem when it comes to national politics and issues. Lots of "shoulds" but lots of limitations on the "can" side of the equation. If we are severely limited by geography (it's a lot further to get to DC to lobby than Montgomery!) and a lot more expensive to reach DC to lobby, what can we do to overcome those problems? One thing might be to try to do more with Jerry carl by setting up a team to monitor what is going on in DC that is of interest to us and then having the team hold zoom meeting with him. The team can send us alerts as to when to call Jerry if there is some important issue up for discussion so he can hear from a lot of us as a group. 
I'm sure that there are other ways to max our effectiveness by doing more with technology as Stephannie Durnin has done with Health Freedom—the point on this Veterans Day is that we need to reach out to our Vets  and have them become a more valued resource to help us defend our country only now in a different way. So, as we thank our Veterans today, let's also call on them to lead the way to saving America from its new homegrown enemies. Thanks, Lou