2019 CSC Christmas Message | Print |

Dear CSC Family,

I do hope that this Christmas message finds you and yours enjoying this most special day with those you love and cherish. The birth of Jesus is the “reason for the season” and his birth brings us the joyful possibility of eternal salvation—a point that should not be lost as we gather together to celebrate His Birth.

As we think about the spiritual meaning of Christmas, it is difficult to avoid seeing what is taking place in the world around us that has a direct bearing on what Christmas means to Christians. It is clear that there is a “war” against Christians in many parts of the world and not just in Muslim countries that we have come to expect to see persecuting non-Muslims in general, but Christians especially, but also in powerful countries such as China(https://video.foxnews.com/v/6028864291001#sp=show-clips. Click or tap to follow the link.">https://video.foxnews.com/v/6028864291001#sp=show-clips). While it is very regrettable to see this taking place in the world, as with so many of these ‘world’ issues ,it is almost impossible to do anything about them for any number of valid reasons. A good example of that is the fact that we have our own ‘war’ on Christianity to deal with here at home!

The manifestations of our own war are in plain view given the cultural changes that we saw take place under Obama—the conflict between religious beliefs and radical liberal secular political correctness are the tip of the iceberg. The baker who was hauled into court for refusing to bake a wedding cake for a ‘gay’ couple demonstrates one aspect of the war we are in, but it goes way beyond trampling on the baker’s basic rights—the real goal is to force all Christian beliefs out of the public square. You will be free to go to the church of your choice, but that’s it—your Christian values will be contained inside your church, because the ‘Liberals’ see us as the enemy of what they see as the necessary means to achieve their secular goals—for them, if religious rights are trampled on, so be it because they see our rights as impediments in the way of their goals. Don’t like that? Too bad! Just like every other so-called “social justice” movement (Hitler, Stalin, Mao) individual rights had to give way to the “collective” good (as interpreted by those in power!) and the modern day version of those true believers(need I list them?) are well on their way to repeating the crimes of the past against all who stand in their way.

So, the Founding Fathers , who understood the absolute need for not only a Constitution that kept power divided to avoid the abuses of power that they understood from their study of history as well as their own experiences with a tyrannical British system, also realized that the American experiment in self-government was dependent upon citizens with a moral/ethical foundation linked to a divine Creator from whom flowed all our rights. That a loving God had a hand in bringing about the creation of America as well as the need for the new nation to remain true to Christian moral truths embedded in our Judeo-Christian heritage were central themes in the Founder’s thoughts and writings, yet today they are under attack as never before (https://www.heritage.org/political-process/report/did-america-have-christian-founding).

At this juncture, we (and I mean us: CSC and other Conservative groups!) are standing in the GAP to protect those basic rights whether it is the rights of the unborn or to protect individual rights from the oppression of the secular mob. Given the threat that is very real, let’s redouble our efforts to protect that which we cherish and hold dear: OUR RIGHT NOT TO JUST ATTEND A CHURCH OF OUR CHOICE, BUT TO BE ABLE TO PROFESS AND SEE OUR CHRISTIAN VALUES BEING LIVED IN A SOCIETY THAT MIRRORS THOSE VALUES. “If not you, who? If not now, when?”

On behalf of the Common Sense Campaign's Board, I want to wish everyone a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year! God bless all of you, our state of Alabama, and the great United States of America!  Dr. Lou