Dear Common Sense Campaign Family,
As we get ready to celebrate Thanksgiving and see what is going on in the political world in our country, it is easy to fall into the trap that brings us to think that there is no hope, all is lost and by next week the Radical/Liberal/ Socialist/Commie horde will have taken power! While something like that is possible--as Reagan said,Liberty is one generation away from being lost (and we have AOC as proof of Reagan's wisdom!)—still, it seems to me that if we not only survived 8 years of the Manchurian Candidate, Obama, but also vanquished the arch-corrupt criminal, Hillary Clinton, I believe that we can not only be thankful for that, but we can continue to do what CSC has done for 10 years: FIGHT FOR WHAT IS RIGHT AND NOT BE DISCOURAGED BY THE PRESENT POLITICAL TURMOIL BROUGHT ON BY THE LEFT THAT HATES PRESIDENT TRUMP.
So, if God, to whom we daily appeal for his assistance and guidance, has answered our prayers at least to the degree that on  one level, thanks to Trump’s election, we have stopped the slide to  Obama’s “Fundamental Transformation of America,"  we also know that there remains a lot of work to be done to undue key areas of Obama’s influence. In that regard, I think that since 2010 we have seen how critical it is to repeal Common Core to save our children from the many perversities found in Common Core.  Knowing that truth has also led us to understand one of the most dangerous threats to America’s future – Obama’s educational legacy (his foreign policy legacy is a close second!):
>An educational system that was deliberately designed to undermine Christian values replacing them with a secular value system that increasingly has become intertwined in the political system that will only allow you to live your faith on Sunday in Church.
>A system that indoctrinates students on so-called "Social Justice" that can best be realized through socialism; that places students on an anti-American  European workforce development model; that  transforms American history away from American Exceptionalism—remember Obama said every country sees itself as “Exceptional.”
>This insidious program has not only dumbed down its target audience, it has warped how the younger generation views America—claiming now that America is Racist, Misogynistic, Homophobic, and Imperialistic—it sets up race, class, and gender divisions through “identity politics” that ensures “E Pluribus Unum” cannot exist until the present Capitalist system  is overthrown by a supposedly fairer socialist system. This outrageous twisting of American history is a far cry from what previous generations were exposed to that included learning about America’s warts, but were also shown a positive side of American history and how America was able to end slavery, extend voting rights to women, live up to the Founding Documents by ensuring Civil Rights for all; reform the economic system after the Depression to give everyone a chance to fulfill their goals; and to prevail against unspeakable international tyrannies that would have ended Liberty as we know and enjoy it. I would argue that by reforming ourselves after the Civil War without another revolutionary upheaval, we were living up to what the Founders had bequeathed to future generations of Americans—truly a gift from God that should make us THANKFUL EVERY DAY WE ARE ALIVE IN AMERICA.
In conclusion, on behalf of CSC’s Board of Directors, I want to wish all of our  CSC family a very Happy Thanksgiving and would ask that you pray for our country as it deals with the insanity unleashed on it by the Left.
God Bless each of you and your families, our great State of Alabama and our wonderful United States of America! Dr. Lou